When a customer comes in to select tiles they may well notice that some of your stock is "digital ink-jet". What do you say when they ask whether this is a good choice?
Firstly point out that until fairly recently most tiles were produced using a screen or roller print system but that inkjet is now becoming more and more popular. Today 35% of all tiles are ink-jet printed. Digital ink-jet tiles are a better choice.
These are the reasons why...

1. Resolution. Inkjet tiles are typically printed at about the same resolution as a quality magazine; around 300 dpi (dots per inch) but may be as high as 1000 dpi. In other words, your naked eye cannot resolve the dots that make up the image and it looks smooth and natural, this especially true of intricate designs.
2. Colour consistency. Because ink-jet tiles are produced from digital computer images they are controlled by what's called a Digital Colour Profile. This means that each time the tile is reprinted the colour is computer controlled to be exactly the same, in other words the design is reproducable. This is a big advantage if the customer wants a new batch of the same tiles for say a new room extension.
3. Accuracy. Ink-jet tiles are generally designed based on a high resolution photograph or scan of real natural stone or wood or even the patina on metal. Because the process is digital, even design adjustments will look just like the real thing!
4. Variation. The digital process means that multiple faces of a tile design can be produced during the same production run because the computer controlling the printing just feeds the ceramic printer a different instruction stream.
5. Texture, relief and edge. Accurate textures and in-register relief (such as for wood grain) can be produced because unlike roller and screen printing, ink-jet printing is a non-contact process so the ceramic printer can jet patterns onto on a textured tile surface. The textture or structure is added to the ceramic tile ‘biscuit’ earlier during the pressing process. The printhead is then able to jet ink into the recesses that screen and roller printing cannot reach. Unlike traditional decoration, digital inkjet printers can also decorate right to the edge of the tiles, eliminating white edges and creating seamless expanses of tile.
Ink-jet is the future and it's available now!
Download our Digital ink-jet KREM and TESSCERA tile brochures here.
For any other inquiries about tiles, taps, sanitaryware, laminate & vinyl flooring please send us an email.
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