Neutral greys have become increasingly popular primarily because they allow mixing with a vast range of colours without clashing. Grey is the ultimate background colour.
Tiburtine grey. This is from the range we launched last year but has proved to be a big seller. As its name suggests it is a subtle travertine design. It reflects the modern minimalist look that has become popular in the last few years and works particularly well with rough textures like exposed brick and distressed wood.
Papyrus grey is one of our very latest and is only now being produced in quantity. This is a more sophisticated design with a woven handmade paper appearance that would not be out of place in museum or a corporate office.
Euro grey. This tile is undergoing production tests as I write this. It's a subtle rather random speckled pattern specifically aimed at commercial interiors and like all our ink-jet designs comes in a number of faces so there's never any obvious repetition in the design.
Rock light grey is a rougher design also available under the KREM brand. We have also produced this as a textured tile.
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All the best, the Link International team.

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