Wednesday, 16 September 2015

How to compare non-slip tile ratings.

Last week I discussed the four commonly used anti-slip tests in the industry: the Coefficient of Friction (CoF), Floor Surface Roughness (Rz), the R rating and the ABC rating. In this mail I'll show how the different measurements can be compared so that you, as a tile sales person can advise your customers to select tiles that are suitable for their application.

'R' Rating Ramp test & ABC ratings - Wet areas.
The resistance level, or ‘R’ rating, is the classification used by professionals to advise on whether a tile should be applied in a typically wet environment (like a pool surround) or is best in other low risk areas (like a kitchen) and takes into consideration the highest angle in which it remains safe, by measuring on a ramp.
Also taken into consideration is the tiles safety when walked on barefoot. Rather than an ‘R’ rating this is measured alphabetically, with ‘A’ being the least resistant and ‘C’ the most. Again these are tested to the limits through a ramp measuring system.
The two testing methods overlap and can be better explained in the table below. 
R ratings and angles are in red, ABC ratings and angles are in blue.

Angle ⁰

Angle ⁰
R96⁰ < 8⁰Domestic hallway/living room
R1010⁰ < 19⁰A12⁰ < 17⁰Domestic bathroom/kitchen
R1119⁰ < 27⁰B18⁰ < 23⁰Public toilet/dressing room
R1227⁰ < 35⁰C     > 24⁰Public showers
R13    > 35⁰Swimming pools/saunas

Pendulum Test
The pendulum test determines the tile from safe to dangerous and tests through a weighted swinging arm and its resistance once in contact with the tile. It is measured in a ‘SRV’ rating, which stands for Slip Resistance Value.  This rating is used by Health and safety professionals.
SRV Pendulum Test Result
Slip Potential
 0 – 24Dangerous or high potential for slippingDangerousMost domestic settings
 25 – 35Marginal or moderate potential for slippingModeratePublic toilets/foyers
 36 – 65Safe or low potential for slippingSafeSwimming pools
 66 +Very safe or extremely low potentialVery Safe

Next is a very simple R rating diagram. The shoes indicate what types are relatively safe at each rating.

Enquire about our anti-slip tiles with R11+ ratings.

1 comment:

  1. Floor slip resistant rating can be checked through pendulum floor test for the genuine slip test.
